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Open Call
for lens based works (photography /video)
Deadline for submissions : 31th of August 2020
Exhibition : 4,5,6 th November 2020, Athens
20th November 2020, Norway
In the framework of the Art + Culture vs Xenophobia project Artifactory as implementing body and partners Ås Art & Music School (Kulturskolen i Ås) (Municipality of Ås in Norway) and Baumstrasse -Dromos me dentra invite artists working with lens-based media to submit a project for the photography exhibition entitled Tolerance(s). The selected works will be presented in the framework of the projects’ event on the 4th-6th of November 2020 in Serafeio, Athens and on the 20th of November in Norway.
The project “Art and Culture Vs Xenophobia” is being implemented under the Active Citizens fund in Greece, by Artifactory and its partners, the Ås Art & Music School (Kulturskolen i Ås) (Municipality of Ås in Norway) and the Baumstrasse -Dromos me dentra.
“Art and Culture Vs Xenophobia” project addresses the phenomena of xenophobia and hate speech that exist due to the lack of inclusion of and tolerance for the Other, with Arts and Culture as tools. The aim of the project is :
- to support, network, promote and empower organisations that act to combat racism and xenophobia in Greece and Norway by promoting the Best Practices of projects that have been implemented for this purpose with Arts and Culture as tools, and
- raise general awareness against racism, intolerance and the promotion of equality and respect for diversity through Art and Culture.
About the exhibition Tolerance(s)
Curators: Professor Dr. Kostas Ioannidis (Athens School of Fine Arts) and Dr. Eleni Mouzakiti artist, curator and lecturer.
Venue: Serafeio, Athens and Ås Municipality, Norway
Dates: 4th - 6th November 2020 in Athens and 20th November 2020 in Norway
We are looking for artist´s works that present and familiarize the viewer with the phenomena of xenophobia and hate speech which exist due to the lack of inclusion of and tolerance for the Other - the Different. We are looking for projects that are related to the acceptance of diversity or the acceptance of different aspects of oneself. We are open for participatory and collaborative projects.
Please have a look at the definition of terms here: here is a link to definitions
We welcome artists working with photography or/and video.
Deadline for submission of portfolio: August 31, 2020
All submissions will be reviewed by the curators and responses will be sent to the artists September 10th 2020.
Submission procedure
Please submit your portfolio to the following address: exhibitions@artifactory.eu. The submission of the material is done electronically only to this email address by a file transfer program.
Portfolio specifications
Works submitted should be ongoing or completed during the last two years, where possible.
Your folder must be named with Latin characters (surname, first name) and must include:
A. A pdf or .doc with the following:
• Artist name in Greek and English
• Project title - Project Statement up to 1500 characters without spaces for each language.
• Curriculum Vitae in Greek and/or English up to 1500 characters without spaces for each language.
B. Folder with images (number of images: min 10 to max 25)
• Image size: 1500 pixels large side
• Form: jpg, max: 2MB each
• Folder compression: zip
(In case of video submission: resolution: 1920 X 1080)
You may submit videos with a link.
Selected works
• If selected, the curators will contact you in order to submit high resolution images for printing by September 20, 2020.
• Size of prints and mounting of works are decided by the curators of the exhibition, in order to be presented in both Athens and Norway.
• The costs of printing, mounting and presenting the selected portfolio are covered by the grant.
• The copyright of the photographs used belongs to the author.
• The project partners reserve the right to use submitted material for promotion and publishing related to this project. The project cannot use individual images submitted by the applicant in other contexts not related to the project.
Should you have any questions please email exhibitions@artifactory.eu
Please consider to subscribe to our mailing list to get updates : secretariat@artifactory.eu .
In case of a new Covid-19 outbreak the exhibition will be presented online.
#artculturevsxenophobia #acvsx #Art #Culture #Xenophobia #Hatespeech #Racism #Inclusion #Multiculturalsociety #Socialaspect #exclusion #denigratedgroups #artifactory #spatialawareness, #livablesociety #activecitizensfund_GR #ACF_GR #activecitizens#civilsociety @activecitizensfundGreece @EEA and NorwayGrants @EEA GrantsGreece @Bodossaki Foundation @SolidarityNow
The project “Art and Culture Vs Xenophobia” project is being implemented under the Active Citizens fund in Greece, by Artifactory and its partners, the Ås Art & Music School (Kulturskolen i Ås) (Municipality of Ås in Norway) and the Baumstrasse -Dromos me dentra.
The Active citizens fund in Greece is supported through a € 12m grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants 2014 - 2021. The program aims to develop the sustainability and capacity of the civil society sector in Greece, and to strengthen its role in promoting and safeguarding democratic procedures, active citizenship and human rights. The Fund Operator for the Active citizens fund in Greece is Bodossaki Foundation in consortium with SolidarityNow.
For more information: www.activecitizensfund.gr