SUSTCULT stands for "achieving SUSTainability through an integrated approach to the management of CULTural heritage" and it is a 3-year project co-financed by the South East Europe programme.
Many valuable heritage sites, including World Heritage sites, in the South-East European region are under pressure. Improving the effectiveness of cultural sites management is a priority and a great cultural and political challenge throughout the region.
The SUSTCULT approach is that cultural heritage has a social and ecological intrinsic significance which shall be safeguarded as a source of sustainable development (SD)
The SUSTCULT project's main objective is to improve the effectiveness of heritage sites management through the development of a common methodology capable of valorizing the complexity of the SEE cultural heritage.
SUSTCULT involved 12 institutions from 7 countries (Albania, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Romania, Slovenia and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) constituting a well-balanced partnership with a strong territorial relevance.
- Project manager of Greek partner CulturePolis: Photini Papahatzi
- Financial manager of Greek partner CulturePolis: Katiana Houli
- ContractingAuthority: South East Europe programme
- Lead Partner: City of Venice
- Accessible at: SUSTCULT video, SUSTCULT photos ,SUSTCULT Proposals for the City of Corfu