The project “Restructuring districts into science quarters (REDIS)”/ Ref.1999/Ph2 TN15 has been funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Operational Programme URBACT II and lasted from October 2009 till April 2011. The REDIS Project focused on a more effective application of knowledge, creativity and innovation in the cities and thereby to the development of a knowledge-based European Economy. REDIS main output was a Local Action Plan to attain the vision of future city development through local actor’s perception. Local supporting groups’ workshops organised in Greece, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Spain, UK and Poland contributed significantly to the production of these Local Action Plans.
- Contracting Authority: European Territorial Cooperation OperationalProgramme URBACT II
- Project: REDIS: Restructuring districts into science quarters
- Lead Partner: City of Magdeburg
- Project and Financial Manager for the Greek Partner – Municipality ofPiraeus: Katiana Houli
- Budget: 641.040,00€
- Duration: 01.10.2009 – 30.04.2011
- Accessible at:
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