Places and words of Memory: yard and tools of citizenship
Linking the preservation of memory of the past with the construction of the future for a democratic and inclusive civil society in Europe. This was the main aim of the project “Places and words of memory, yards and tools of citizenship”, run in 2011 under the support of Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union, under the special action concerning Active European remembrance.
The aim of the action is to give the opportunity to European citizens to gather and share together their common past, experience and history concerning the Nazi- Fascist period and the Second World War, in order to find the pillars of civil rights peace education and fundamental principles of democracy and learn from each other’s involvement as active citizens in the society within the frame of freedom, respect and international understanding.
The project took place during the whole year 2011, forsaw different events , and involved 9 partners from 5 Countries in Europe.Informa Giovanni is the leader and the participating organisations are ADICE (France), Sci Hellas (Greece), Museo Storico della Liberazione (Italy) Culturepolis-Cultural Antena of Preveza (Greece),Est yes (Estonia), ANPI Modena(Italy) and ex campo Fossoli Fundation.
All the activities took place in significant places related to remembrance of the second world war, its victims and those who tried to protect the victims: 5 International Voluntary projects and an international seminar on civil resistance during second world war.
The project had also a social aspect, being aimed to stimulate the involvement and participation of citizens with fewer opportunities and youth at risk of social exclusion, and facilitate their knowledge of past events.
Activities combined several features of active European remembrance, social inclusion and promotion of volunteering.
The project involved more than 100 participants from all over Europe regardless their age or social background.The project started in January 2011 and lasted until November 2011 with meetings, seminar and International Voluntary projects.
- Coordinator and Project Management for Greek partner : Photini Papahatzi
- Contracting Authority:Europe for Citizens
- Accessible at: Here is the video of the project -its coming in 2 parts
“Places and words of memory, yards and tools of citizenship” Part1
“Places and words of memory, yards and tools of citizenship”Part2
and you may see photos from the project in Kommeno, Arta HERE