Pact4Skills investigates entrepreneurial and skill needs in the heritage sphere to assist actors become responsive to demand and labor market needs and identify a new generation of culture-driven products. Training of work forces and creating new products that bring the work to follow the development and meet market demands is the main educational task. Pact4Skills empowers HED students in the generation of digital culture that can become a bridge between digital industries and cultural institutions by introducing validated skills and open new fields of applications.
The GLOBAL OBJECTIVE is to reconcile educational curricula/non-formal training and market demands for a competitive cultural sector as required by the EU Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 and promote entrepreneurship education as a transversal key competence in the cultural domains. By researching the needs of cultural agencies to develop domain specific innovation liaising results with the workforce, Pact4Skills identifies experienced based products and services and helps thus connect new skills and new jobs better matching job seekers' and labor markets' needs in the cultural sector.
The Partnership is committed to promote the quality of the digital narrative, to improve standards in the design and production of digital artworks and encourage the inclusion of cultural education in the leisure time of the different audiences, thus gaining a new market to accommodate better paid jobs. By involving HED students into a cognitive-inquiry learning utilizing pervasive media/digital literacies hand-in-hand with rich contents and critical thinking.
90 HED students will investigate the production mechanisms in digital culture to formulate remedies for the quality of contents and define new paradigms of research and representation, to employ and replicate a market- shared reference code to meaning making. In this way the Partnership improves social skills, micro-credentials, and methods of accreditation which encourage constructive, creative, expressions within any community of practice.
ERASMUS+ 2021-2027
Contracting Authority: Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes, Cyprus
Key Action 2: Cooperation Partnerships
Action: Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Key Objective: Innovation
Project Acronym and Title: PACT4SKILLS «Tackling the challenges of the European Education Area by building resilient, inclusive and forward-looking training to upskill HED students face the transformations in digital culture with new e-skills, intercultural and entrepreneurial competences»
Application ID: 2021-1-CY01-KA220-HED-000031113
Lead Partner: Open University of Cyprus
Project Budget: 322.120,00 €
Duration: 01.12.2021-31.12.2023