The tourism industry is highly digitized: travel and tourism companies already manage and monitor their business functions via ICT for HR management, customer reservations, and electronic point of sales contact (EPOS), supply chain management, property management systems (PMS) for monitoring and enhancing inventory control, environmental impact measurement, waste reduction, monitoring staff, gathering customer data, financial accounting, customer self-service, etc. However, there is a significant skills gap in the design and delivery of the cultural tourism experience, as the latter is intangible in nature and only mediated by digital media, if so. Heritage4Growth is concerned with the understanding of cultural heritage objects as experience-based assets, and investigates how the experience is formed by the traditional media and what it takes for the digital mediation to deliver visitor satisfaction, cognition and empathy. The need for innovation, the opportunities offered by digital tools, the need for the diversification of skills to accommodate multi-skilling and face (self)employment, freelancing and new types of work arrangements is thus directly tackled by Heritage4Growth.The Partnership co-designs a new Training Program applied to the development of new digital and transversal skills to enable VET teachers upgrade their service planning skills for cultural tourism.
Key Action 2: Cooperation Partnerships
Project Acronym and Title: Heritage4Growth
Action: KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Application ID: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000033109
Contracting Authority: Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale
Lead Partner: ACTA
Project Budget: 209,892.00 €
Duration: 01.02.2021-31.01.2024
Website: https://ivetagr.org/h4growth/