The EYE FESTIVALS aims to understand the underlying concerns related to euroscepticism and societal changes that are at play within the EU. By identifying past achievements in the history of the EU and developing a dialogue and discussion around these moments as a means to highlight the EU strengths in being a force for peace and solidarity. By uniting young citizens under the goal of mutual understanding and appreciation of past solidarity events it will be possible to break down national perceptions and develop the means to foster greater appreciation on which the EU's moral base is founded.
Partners from FN, IT, LT, ME, EL, BIH will cooperate on the creation of 5 “EYE - festivals” and utilise LARPs (Live Action Role Plays) to reenact and learn about those past European achievements when the solidarity between nations was at its highest value. Focus will be on local community involvement and youth in order to create intercultural dialogue between project communities. This will provide a stage to learn, share and debate on issues related to the future of Europe while learning from the past EU achievements.
- Contracting Authority: EUROPE FOR CITIZENS PROGRAMME 2014-2020
- Project Budget: 120.960,00 €
- Duration: 24 MONTHS
- Lead Partner: Municipality of Kalajoki, Finland
- Accessible at: http://www.eueyefestivals.com/
More information here
Grand Master Challenge. The Game
50 local and transnational participants play the Game in the UNESCO listed Medieval Town of Rhodes in Greece and compete for the title of the Grand Master Generation II.
And the winner … is Vytenis Vaičiūnas from Kaunas, Lithuania!
You may watch the Game Play here