Xenophobia Projects

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Τύπος στρατηγικής (εργαλείο, εκδήλωση, εκπαιδευτικό μάθημα κ.λπ.) / Strategy type (tool, event, training course, etc.)

Creative education 

Πότε ξεκίνησε / τελείωσε; / When did it start/end?

2018 and 2019

Όνομα του οργανισμού

Ås municipality Art & Musical School (ÅMS) 

Πόλη και χώρα /City and country

Ås, Norway 

1. Περιγράψτε σύντομα το έργο σας / Describe your project briefly

The Ås municipality Art & Musical School (ÅMS) has since 2009 been working with an experimental interdisciplinary art educational collaboration with the local schools and the local community. I 2016 the ÅMS established creative education collaboration with education institutions, artists and private initiators. This collaboration has created a portfolio of projects. One is called the Xenophobia Project.

 In 2018 and 2019 the ÅMS “took over” the local primary schools. This project was a collaboration with the University Science Park in Ås, professional artists and a primary school No 11 in the Municipality Galatsi in Athens. The methodology behind this was to “take over the class” ones a week in two months. Without any influence by the primary school teachers, the pupils were divided in groups working with the main topic “xenophobia”.

During the weeks the pupils where guided by the professional artists to compose, rehearse and play their own music, dans and make and project installations and photography. All ended up as a public performance. During the two years there has been a careful interaction been the Greek and Norwegian pupils by text, pictures, and videos at a common webpage, in Greek, Norwegian and English language. Through the projects the teachers between Galatsi and Ås communicated by a closed Facebook community.

2. Ποιος ήταν ο στόχος του έργου; / What was the aim of the project?

The main ambitions with the Xenophobia Project is to contribute the reduction of xenophobia in general, by using art educational among school teachers, pupils, students and cultural workers, the local communities and policy makers. Another main objective is reducing hate speech and security risk, due to lack of integration and increase tolerance. 

3. Ποιος συμμετείχε στη διαδικασία σχεδιασμού; / Who was involved in designing process?

The school teachers

4. Εάν μπορούσες να αλλάξεις κάτι, τι θα άλλαζες; / If you could change something, what would you change?

The corona stopped it 

5. Πώς επηρέασε το έργο στην κοινωνία των πολιτών; / How did the project impact on civil society? 

The project has transfer value to others who work with teaching about the topic of xenophobia

6.Πως η καινοτομία, η έμπνευση και η συμπερίληψη εφαρμόζονται στην πρακτική σας; / How innovation, inspiration, impact and inclusion are implemented in your practice?

The project has received a great deal of attention both locally, nationally and internationally

7.Πως χρηματοδοτήθηκε η βέλτιστη πρακτική σας; / How was your good practice funded?

By the state and municipality 

8. Πως διαχύθηκε/προωθήθηκε η βέλτιστη πρακτική σας; /How was your good practice disseminated / promoted?

By Internet, social media, press, conferences.

Ås municipality Art & Musical School (ÅMS) 


The Ås municipality Art & Musical School (ÅMS) has since 2009 been working with an experimental interdisciplinary art educational collaboration with the local schools and the local community. I 2016 the ÅMS established creative education collaboration with education institutions, artists and private initiators. This collaboration has created a portfolio of projects. One is called the Xenophobia Project.

Target groups 
Young Students 

Fields of activities/Topics
Art and Music 

Ellen Kråkenes 
email: Ellen.Sibe.Krakenes@as.kommune.no
+47 64 96 20 00

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