Sketches for Multicultural First Foods Recipe Book

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Τύπος στρατηγικής (εργαλείο, εκδήλωση, εκπαιδευτικό μάθημα κ.λπ.)

Photographs, scetches

Πότε ξεκίνησε / τελείωσε;

This project started as an idea during the lockdown here in Greece that started in March 2020, and ideas and sketches were started in August 2020. It is still an on-going project, and we aim to have it completed in time for February 2021 (to coincide with the 3 year anniversary of CHEERing's first official day of commencement)

Όνομα του οργανισμού

Center For Health Equity, Education, & Research International Group AMKE CHEERing

Πόλη και χώρα

Athens, Greece

1. Περιγράψτε σύντομα το έργο σας

CHEERing is proud to be a multicultural team of women from diverse backgrounds – refugees, migrants and even locals. Working now for several years within the refugee and migrant community in Attica, has led the team to realize that there is more that binds us together than separates us. 

Weekly sessions for all available participants that are different every week but includes food shopping and food preparation; artwork preparation like sketching, painting; food photography; photography of activities; recipe compilation; and recipe book design and compilation.

2. Ποιος ήταν ο στόχος του έργου;

This recipe book will be a combination of artwork by the contributors of current and past (and future!) volunteers and staff, memories and recipes passed down from family members far and near, and will also feature stories of how a young baby is introduced to what is known as ‘first foods’ based on the countries and cultures of origin of each contributer.

3. Ποιος συμμετείχε στη διαδικασία σχεδιασμού;

CHEERing Team

4. Εάν μπορούσες να αλλάξεις κάτι, τι θα άλλαζες; 

Problems with time management and also because of the Covid19 restrictions that initially happened at the start of the project - staff and volunteers are doing this project as a 'passion' project and mostly done outside of working hours. We have streamlined our timetables, and also received donations from private donors for the materials used in the project (like art and food supplies, and cameras) that required sourcing to ensure that everyone has the same access and capabilities to create together.

5. Πώς επηρέασε το έργο στην κοινωνία των πολιτών;

The teamwork and communication skills that is required for such an project with many different activities means that there is a lot of conversations about what is appropriate for certain cultures and mutual respect (like the use of pork for Muslims or meat products for vegetarians), and also giving the women the opportunity to showcase their talents (mostly hidden!) when it comes to creative endeavours like photography, drawing, painting and writing! There is no formal training sessions, but there is a transfer of knowledge and support between each other.

6.Πως η καινοτομία, η έμπνευση και η συμπερίληψη εφαρμόζονται στην πρακτική σας;

We decided to let the contributors themselves decide on the innovation of their recipes and contribution to the project - certain ingredients are not available in Greece, so they would have to 'make do' and adapt with certain ingredients. The world around us is our inspiration - our colleagues and family members and the beneficiaries that we meet daily. We believe that by empowering women who work with us, and even the ones we serve, will help them feel a sense of community with the rest of the populace and this cookbook will showcase that we are all from all over the world but our love for nutrition and yummy food is what holds us together.

7.Πως χρηματοδοτήθηκε η βέλτιστη πρακτική σας; 

By private donors and supporters of CHEERing

8. Πως διαχύθηκε/προωθήθηκε η βέλτιστη πρακτική σας;

We have informed our donors and supporters, like Help Refugees, and also our collaborators like Social Dynamo about our work and hope to promote it soon once we have a prototype product to promote! (our recipe book draft!)

Center For Health Equity, Education, & Research International Group AMKE CHEERing

AMKE / Non Profit 

CHEERing is a non-profit organization based in Athens, Greece, with a mission to improve mother and infant health among refugees and other vulnerable groups. Our on-the-ground team works in refugee camps and shelters in emergency situations, to assess nutrition-related infant health, monitor growth, and counsel pregnant women. Our particular emphasis is on increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates, which dramatically improves infant health and reduces the burden on health services and emergency relief workers. We do this through proactive rapid response, and a weekly mobile lactation clinic at specific sites. We also provide support and education for families, and training for agencies, other NGOs, and health care professionals.

Target groups 
Refugee women who are mothers with young children below the age of 2 years old; and pregnant women

Your fields of activity/ Topics: 
Breastfeeding, infant feeding, health awareness, health education, health equity, accessibility to healthcare services, empowerment and jobs training

Mailing address: Pipinou 78, Athens 11251, Greece

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