Youth Reclaim

Τύπος στρατηγικής (εργαλείο, εκδήλωση, εκπαιδευτικό μάθημα κ.λπ.)

Transnational festival

Πότε ξεκίνησε / τελείωσε;

The project was implemented during 01/01/2011 - 30/06/2012.

Όνομα του οργανισμού

Athens Network of Collaborating Experts (ANCE)

Πόλη και χώρα

Αθήνα, Ελλάδα

1. Περιγράψτε σύντομα το έργο σας

The project actively involved young people, especially the ones with fewer opportunities, in a number of intercultural activities for the promotion of a more sustainable way of life for all. Young people, and especially unemployed youth, migrants, refugees, ex-drug addicts, took part in the youth committees that were established in each partner country, and engaged in the organization and participation in information campaigns and events, attempting to explore the issues of cultural diversity and sustainable development, starting from their neighbourhoods. The project directly involved 310 young people from the countries – IT, EE, TR, SI, LT, DE.

2. Ποιος ήταν ο στόχος του έργου;

- Implementation of neighborhood trainings/workshops in each partner country on intercultural dialogue, sustainable living & consuming and youth mobilization. - Organisation of information campaigns on diversity and on the promotion of a more sustainable way of life for all (“Refashion-Rethink-Reuse” events, “From Multi-Culti to Inter-Culti relations of the neighborhood”, information campaign on the Exchange Time Bank activities, “How to Reuse Best” contests, CLEAN & GREEN events, a “Swap not Shop” intercultural bazaar) targeting youth in general.- Organisation, by the young people, of a transnational festival in Greece, including all forms of cultural expression developed in each partner country (during the workshops), aiming to inform other young people and the wider public in general, on global issues such as climate change, sustainable development, racism and xenophobia.

3. Ποιος συμμετείχε στη διαδικασία σχεδιασμού;


4. Εάν μπορούσες να αλλάξεις κάτι, τι θα άλλαζες; 

Significant problems were not faced during the project implementation. One of the best risks that we were facing throughout the project was to ensure participation in project activities. We tried to overcome this obstacle through frequent and timely dissemination of the events, through project's website, social media accounts, posters, flyers, etc. One of the lessons that we learned through this project is the importance of early dissemination of the activities, the snowball effect (one participant brings other participants in the project) and of the broad-based community support based on free, prior and informed consent. We also understood the importance of establishing good relationships with beneficiaries from the beginning of the project start.

5. Πώς επηρέασε το έργο στην κοινωνία των πολιτών;

The implemented activities contributed to the active involvement of disadvantaged individuals in multicultural groups by involving them in artistic and creative activities that helped to prevent discrimination. Each participant developed social and personal skills by setting the ground for a better understanding of other’s perspective, the capacity to take risks, the ability to be confident in their peers and the knowledge to critically analyze reality. The promotion of non-formal learning was achieved by the on-going interaction, simulation games and the exchange of roles between trainers and trainees during the sessions, for the organization and running of the campaigns. 

6.Πως η καινοτομία, η έμπνευση και η συμπερίληψη εφαρμόζονται στην πρακτική σας;

The project focused on localizing global issues, such as climate change and sustainable living and consumerism and it involved the youth as actors of change in a series of activities that encourage critical thinking and led to shared awareness and deepened understanding of the individual responsibility for the environment and for the promotion of a more sustainable life for all. It endorsed youth with fewer opportunities and of various social and cultural backgrounds in less privileged neighborhoods as a tool for society’s mobilization and sensitization about global issues, such as global warming, racism and xenophobia, and sustainable consumption.

7.Πως χρηματοδοτήθηκε η βέλτιστη πρακτική σας; 

EACEA Youth in Action Programme

8. Πως διαχύθηκε/προωθήθηκε η βέλτιστη πρακτική σας;

The young participants and other young people in EU countries (approx. 15.000) gained access to information that provided them the knowledge to promote the existence of more sensitized and open-minded European citizens and to support change of attitudes in society in order to further promote social inclusion, cohesion, solidarity and tolerance. This number corresponded to the wider public that was informed by the local media coverage, the press announcements, and the wide distribution of leaflets and brochures and those who participated in project's events, workshops and trainings. It also refered to the wide general public that attended the transnational festival in Greece. Finally it included the young public that were informed through the social media tools used by the project, and got actively involved electronically.

The project blog and the social networking tools continued to operate after the end of the project, for the communication and exchange of ideas and experiences of young people from the partner and other EU countries, providing opportunities for the replication of the project or similar activities in the future.


Athens Network of Collaborating Experts (ANCE)


Η ANCE είναι μια μη κυβερνητική, μη κερδοσκοπική οργάνωση με έδρα την Αθήνα. Ιδρύθηκε το 1996 από μια ομάδα εμπειρογνωμόνων από το χώρο της διεθνούς αναπτυξιακής συνεργασίας και της τεχνικής βοήθειας και σήμερα έχει δημιουργήσει ένα εκτεταμένο δίκτυο συνεργατών και εθελοντών για την προώθηση της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης και την υποστήριξη των ευπαθών κοινωνικών ομάδων στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και τις αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες.

Κύριος χώρος δράσης και παρέμβασης για εμάς είναι η προάσπιση των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, σχεδιάζομε δράσεις και υλοποιούμε έργα που σχετίζονται με την εφαρμογή της αρχής της μη διακριτικής μεταχείρισης, την ισότητα των φύλων, την καταπολέμηση του ρατσισμού και της ξενοφοβίας, καθώς και την υποστήριξη βασικών ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων όπως αυτό της ελευθερίας του λόγου και της έκφρασης, την ισότητα απέναντι στον νόμο, τις ίσες ευκαιρίες εκπαίδευσης, την ανεξιθρησκία, κ.ο.κ.


Βατατζή 69, Αθήνα
Τηλ.:+30 210 8215044

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